It’s true that we’re from the city of Seattle, Washington, USA and that we formed in 2019. Also, our lineup definitely features vocalist/sax player Bradford King, drummer Jake Brooks, bassist Jason Andrews, and lead guitarist, Andreas Laursen. Beyond that we’ve been described as a veritable word cloud of sub-genres under the NOW meaningless rock category. Evidenced by the fact that no one quite knows where to place us, EVER. So come get stuck in our particular brand of limbo, where the weird ones shake the roof.


Choice Architecture

The term choice architecture was originally coined by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein in their 2008 book 'Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness.' Thaler and Sunstein have endorsed thoughtful design of choice architecture as a means to improve consumer decision-making by minimizing biases and errors that arise as the result of bounded rationality. This approach is an example of "libertarian paternalism", a philosophy endorsed by Thaler and Sunstein that aims to "nudge" individuals toward choices that are in their best interest without limiting choice.


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